The Fair Labor Standards Act has served as the foundation for hundreds of millions of jobs that have been filled over the last eight decades. For more information please visit: It will help them get familiarize with the legal requirements for maintaining fair practices in employment. The Fair Labor Standards Act created a Wage and Hour Division within the U.S. Department of Labor to carry out the provisions of the law. The Fair Labor Standards Act, commonly abbreviated as the FLSA, is the main law that regulates labor and wages in the United States.Introduced by President Roosevelt in 1938, the FLSA is currently enforced and overseen by the Wage and Hour Division (WHD) of the United States Department of Labor.. Penalties § 216a. The law has helped create perhaps the most dynamic economy that the world has ever known, and has created working conditions that can be the envy of other workers around the world. In New York City, the minimum wage is currently $15 per hour, while workers in Long Island and Westchester must be paid a minimum wage of $13 per hour. Filed: December 17, 2020 as 5:2020cv00502. FLSA & Firefighters