The Rouen duck is a heavyweight breed of domesticated duck raised primarily for decoration or as general purpose ducks, since they are not prolific egg layers. The Rouen is a heavyweight breed of domesticated duck raised primarily for decoration, exhibition or as general purpose ducks. The White Pekin is a favorite of the three because it produces delicious, healthy white meat. Ducks and chickens can live in the same yard and can be housed together, but ducks will not roost and will have to be herded into the building each night. A great water fowl for the ranch pond, they make good backyard ducks and are good for insect control. HISTORY The blue ducks that are the foundation of the Blue Swedish duck were known to have existed in Pomerania in the early 1800’s. Description: The Rouen resembles a Mallard: they have green heads, white collars, a deep claret breast and blue speculum feathers … Raising and Caring for Rouen Ducks: Rouen ducks are calm and not flight-prone. Rouen ducks live for 5-9 years. According to the book "Guinness World Records," the oldest duck ever to have lived in the United Kingdom was a female mallard duck that lived to be 20 years, three months, and 16 days old before she died in August 2002. So—if you’ve mastered raising your own meat from other small livestock and want to try something new, try ducks. Ducks do not live long as compared to the geese. The average lifespan of a domestic duck is 10 years or less , but some ducks have been recorded to have exceeded 10-15 years, some even 20-25 years. Please make sure your ducks have daily outdoor time (in a safe, non-toxic environment). Bantam Ducks. ~Meghan The more popular meat duck breeds include the Pekin, Rouen and Muscovy. If you do not want to risk having your ducks shipped check with your local poultry farms for advice on your nearest supplier. Two breeds fall under this category- Call and Black East Indies. If you wish to start brooding and hatching Rouen ducks , it takes 27 to 29 full days to hatch the average clutch of Rouen eggs. The breed originated in France sometime before the 19th century. As a general rule, the larger breeds of duck have the shortest life spans. Thank you for reading! Rouen ducks are the basic coloration of the Mallards only larger and do not fly more than 100 feet. The average life span of a domestic duck is 10 years or less. Also Read: What Age Do Ducks Start Laying Eggs? The breed originated … The ducks of these breeds are the smallest in size, and as expected, can live the longest. However, they do lay around 180-200 eggs per year. The Rouen is second to the Pekin with its flavorful carcass. They are a French breed that is used both for eggs and meat and admitted into the American Standard of Perfection in 1874. Rouen ducks. With massive bodies and a slow laborious waddle, the Rouen breed of duck resembles its mallard ancestor in color, if not in size. You might want your pet ducks to live indoors 24-7, but that’s not what’s best for your ducks. Ducks can live more than 10 years. Rouens are similar in color to the wild Flying Mallard — male drakes have a lustrous green head and neck, a rich purplish brown chest, and steel gray penciling on the upper body, and female hens are mahogany brown with fine penciling of greenish black or brown. 6. They love exploring. Since they are not prolific egg layers, Rouen ducks are most commonly bred for their meat. Seldom do they live beyond five to seven years of age. In the right conditions, a wild duck can live as long as 20 years. People do not usually notice the difference between a young adult duck and an older duck because of the not so obvious physical changes between them. Throughout most of the year, the adult males and females sport obviously different plumage, which makes it easy to differentiate between the two. Rouen ducks can fed standard duck feed , though they also do well foraging on free-ranged pasture. Ducks LOVE foraging for insects, worms, and snails. They do enjoy a bit of chicken scratch as well (but not too much, please see Angel Wing on our Duck and Goose Care Sheet ). Domestic ducks typically live from 10 to 15 years in captivity. They love taking a nap in the lawn with their friends in a nice sunbeam. Rouen Ducks are an attractive breed of waterfowl name of the French city where they originated. Ducks are not as long-lived as geese.