The Mediterranean diet emerges from the kind of foods eaten in countries situated along the Mediterranean Sea. They are characterized by crusty, dark reddish-brown discoloration around a pet's eyes, muzzle, and even paws. A few causes of dark stains are simple. Many antibiotics are only available as prescriptions from your veterinarian. Keep the hair around the eyes trimmed to prevent irritation. While it’s more obvious in lighter colored dogs, many assume it only affects them. Contact lens cleaners that contain mild boric acid can also be used to deal with tear stains. While most dogs have at least some tear stains around their eyes, the problem is much more visible on dogs with white or light-colored fur. Use paper towels to absorb the excess water around your dog’s mouth after drinking water. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Be sure to use a pair of blunt-nose scissors and work carefully to avoid accidentally injuring an eye. There’s no way for you to know if your dog’s tear stains are caused … Wipe them off: Mix a solution of ten-percent hydrogen peroxide with water or a special stain-removal product for dogs. Dogs Prone to Tear Stains Any dog with white hair on his face, especially if he has facial wrinkles or long hair or whiskers on his face, is prone to tear staining. Dr. Nelson is a Veterinarian who specializes in Companion and Large Animal Medicine in Minnesota, where she has over 18 years of experience as a veterinarian in a rural clinic. This will clean the fur and remove excess buildup around the eyes, making the stain remover more effective. These reddish-brown stains are messy, unappealing and they develop no matter how well you take care of your canine companion. Brachycephalic (short nosed) dogs can be prone to tear stains as well. Tear stains are a common occurrence in many dogs and cats. Many dog owners are concerned with the cosmetic effect that the stains have on their dog, but these moist patches of fur can also foster the growth of disease-causing bacteria. To prevent ugly tear stains from developing, it is important for owners to maintain proper eye and face hygiene of their pets. If you get product in your pet's eyes, call your vet or the number on the tear stain container for guidance. The first product on your shopping list should be a good dogs’ tear-stain remover. Repeat daily for great results. If you have a filtration system such as a Brita filter, try using that instead. To remove the tear stains from your dog’s face, you can also use hydrogen peroxide. Tear stains are difficult to eradicate and frustrating to pet owners because of the negative cosmetic consequences. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. It is questionable whether mineral water will work and it may actually be harmful. However, labels can sometimes be misleading and a "natural" product may contain a lot of synthetic chemicals. Tear stains also more commonly affect dogs breeds with shallow eye sockets, such as Pugs, Poodles, Malteses and Shih Tzus. Unless you have specialized training in pet grooming, it is not advisable to attempt to trim your dog's face yourself. Normally, tears drain from the eyes to the nose—but a wonky tear duct system causes tears to flow over the eyelid and onto the face. Tear stains develop when a dog’s tears accumulate on their fur providing the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and yeast to grow. When tears cause the hair on the dog’s face to remain wet, your pet may develop an yeast infection, making the staining even worse. Always consult a professional. Dab a little coconut oil on the moist skin where tear stains accumulate to. The vet can determine the cause of the problem and prescribe the appropriate eye drops. This also works well (she does play outside) when anything like a burr or other foreign thing gets caught in her fur (she gets them in the corners of her mouth) to remove them painlessly. Keep in mind antibiotics have not been strongly linked to reducing tear stains in dogs, but some people have had success with products known as doxycycline, metronidazole and enrofloxacin. Tear stains can occur due to a wide variety of reasons, ranging from an infection, the susceptibility of the breed to tear stains, to the just irregular cleaning of the stains. You can eliminate existing tear stains by wiping away the stains with water or products designed to remove tear stains. Consult with your doctor or other health care provider before using any of these tips or treatments. Talk to a vet about how to slowly introduce new foods to your pets to prevent indigestion. Is still natural mineral water OK for my Maltese Terrier? The best way to minimize tear staining is to keep the eye area clean and dry, says Meekins. Give your dog a bath before using a tear stain remover. Lots of pet pawrents take to the internet to find ways to tackle their dog’s tear stains but get facts and myths confused. This article has been viewed 82,760 times. Approved. Add a daily teaspoon of white vinegar to your dog's water bowl to suppress the frequency and severity of tear stains. The best way for a new mother to establish a nurturing bond with her baby is through breastfeeding. Dog tear stains can be a real eye-sore, especially when you want to show-off your dog, and the only thing marring its perfect looks are dark streaks running down its face. Tear stains are dark red, brown, or black discolored hair under one or both eyes. It softens them so that it’s not so hard to grasp or comb them out, making it less painful/stressful for the animal. Tear stains can also cause skin irritation, discomfort for your pet, and even a pungent odor. Next up on our list of doggy tear stain removers is a fantastic pick by Angel’s Eyes. How to clean tear stains in Bulldogs. Put a little of the colloidal silver on a cotton ball. White vinegar is another very effective remedy for tear stains. Dog tear stains are often easy to see on dogs with light, or white fur. Along with curing... Long, luscious hair is a desire of many! We've been helping billions of people around the world continue to learn, adapt, grow, and thrive for over a decade. Use it to wipe your dog’s face and tear stains. According to Klein, breeds commonly susceptible to tear stains include the Maltese, Shih Tzu, and Poodle. Keep the moist areas around the eyes as dry as possible. The best way to diagnose the cause of your dog’s tear stains, is to take them to the vet. When bathing your pet, avoid getting water in your dog’s eyes to prevent irritation. You can get it from any health food store. Switches in food type should usually be made gradually to avoid stomach irritation. However, you may have to resort to other methods if antibiotics are not successful. Tear stains on dogs are sometimes due to either eye irritation or a tear duct system that doesn’t drain tears correctly. Gently apply the solution over the tear stains using a cotton ball. Then rinse the … I have never noticed this trick listed. Please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. While the stains are unsightly, they are not dangerous to your dog’s health. Use the solution to clean the tear stains from your pet’s face. Mineral water is an unverified method of treating tear stains. You can try replacing your pet's plastic dishes with stainless steel or porcelain bowls, since bacteria buildup in plastic can lead to eye irritation. Finally, wipe it away with a damp cloth. You can prevent new stains by making changes to your pet's lifestyle, such as changing feeding habits. Long hair and gunk cause the animal to tear up excessively, causing brown stains to form under its eyes. Apply it directly on the tear stains and allow it to dry for at least 1 hour. Oh, those ugly tear stains, especially noticeable in white dogs. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature. Avoid tap water, which often contains harmful bacteria, parasites and minerals like chlorine and fluoride that can be toxic to pets. They are characterized by crusty, dark reddish-brown discoloration around a pet's eyes, muzzle, and even paws. No, you shouldn't. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. Preventing contact time between the hair and the tears is most helpful.” Understanding Dog Tear Stains. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties and can help combat the bacteria and fungi that may grow in the tear stains. In this case, 88% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. Its acidic nature will prevent bacteria or yeast from taking hold in your dog’s system, which can cause eye infection and excess tearing. Make sure they do not drink stagnant water found in gardens or parks. Moisten a cotton ball with the same solution and wipe the tear stained area. Apply this creamy paste on your dog’s tear stains, leave it on for an hour, then rinse it off. This article was co-authored by Melissa Nelson, DVM, PhD. Herbal or natural products may be safer on your cat or dog than harsher commercial products. Breeds like West Highland white terriers, Maltese, Pekingese, bulldogs, poodles and Chinese shar pei, among others, are likely to have tear-stained faces. It is important to deal with tear stains, beyond just cosmetic reasons. “This can be accomplished with dry cotton balls or makeup remover pads. Using a towel or cotton ball and a little warm water, clean the affected area carefully. For safest results, only browse and compare products recommended by your vet. Read more. The problem is most common in small breeds with long hairs on the face, like Toy Poodles, Maltese, West Highland … The fava bean, alternatively known as broad bean, is a large, flat, green leguminous vegetable. Tear stains are common in dogs with white or light-colored coats, and they’re often tough to manage. There are different ways to clean and clear up tear stains in Bulldogs. Cleaning your dog's face with colloidal silver applied to a cotton ball is an effective way to brighten stained fur. In cats, eye conditions, tear duct blockages, allergies, and bacterial infections can all cause tear stains. Dogs that have shallow eye sockets and protruding eyes, such as the Pekingese, Maltese, pug and other short-nosed dogs, can suffer from excessive tearing. Take a bit on some cotton wool and wipe off the eyes gently. Additionally, consider giving your pet bottled water, because the minerals in tap water can cause irritation that leads to tear stains. Do not allow the vinegar to enter the eyes. You do not want to get water or the edges of the cloth in their eyes, as this can cause irritation. That’s because one of the potential causes of these stains is infection caused by bacteria. You may also try the Milk of Magnesia-corn starch-peroxides paste. Last Updated: December 11, 2020 References There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Mild antibiotics can also be used, after consulting your vet. If you are looking for a natural home remedy to get rid of the tear stains, chamomile is very effective. Be very careful to keep the vinegar out of his eyes as it will burn and may cause damage. What Causes Stains on the Fur of Dogs? Those nasty stains on his beard could be caused by the oxidation of his saliva, artificial coloration within his food and dog treats, or a yeast infection called Ptyrosporin or “red yeast,” the very same culprit that causes unsightly tear stains in many breeds. If the stains are large, you may need to use multiple cotton balls. So, take a look at what’s in your dog’s food and consider changing it to see if it makes a difference. This results in the accumulation of dirt around the eyes, which then turns reddish-brown. Cornstarch can also be dusted underneath the eye, around the muzzle and between the toes. "I found the causes of the brown tear stains on my cat's eyes. Tear stains are usually caused by dye molecules called porphyrins. Witch hazel has mild astringent properties that are great for cleaning dog’s eyes and tear stains. Wash the muzzle hair with dry shampoo and a wet washcloth. Tear staining is the reddish brown discoloration that is found on the hair under the eyes. 10. By using these daily you will be able to keep the eye exterior clean and avoid a build up of tear stains. It is important to take care of tear stains as they can get worse. To achieve the best results and ensure the safety of your pet, always follow the directions … You may find that some people use hydrogen peroxide to remove tear stains on their dog’s faces. But they can be much harder to see on pups with darker hair. If your dog is prone to excessive crusting in the corners of the eyes, ask your groomer to shave the hair off so you can effectively clean the skin under the eyes. Most veterinarians agree that face staining results from excessive tearing. However, your vet should be able to give you a recommendation for a commercial product to purchase. Porphyrins are iron-containing molecules, produced when the body breaks down red blood cells. To remove existing stains, use a gentle cleanser, such as saline, tearless pet shampoo, or a mix of boric acid and cornstarch. To prevent most stains from coming back, you can add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to your dog's water. Also, add 1 teaspoon of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar to your dog’s drinking water to combat the growth of micro-organisms in the body and make it more alkaline. Note: Peroxide can be irritating, so avoid getting the product in your pet’s eyes. Dr. Nelson is a Veterinarian who specializes in Companion and Large Animal Medicine in Minnesota, where she has over 18 years of experience as a veterinarian in a rural clinic. Wait 5 minutes, then rinse the fur with clean water to get rid of any residue. Dogs with light-colored fur are more prone to tear staining and, of course, the dark streaks are more noticeable on them. For tips on how to groom your pet to avoid tear stains, read on! I have a question on the equal parts cornstarch hydrogen peroxide and milk of magnesia I can understand equal parts of h peroxide to m magnesia but how can you work out the equal part of cornstarch as 2 items are liquid and c starch is powder. Dogs should be given purified, distilled water to drink. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Here are a few grooming tips that will help you to remove tear stains from your dog’s eyes: Buy a natural tear stain remover. DOG BREEDS PRONE TO TEAR STAINS While tear stains are most visible on white-coated dogs, they can be present on any dog. Here are the top 10 ways to remove your dog’s tear stains. Comb and blow-dry it afterwards. Be very gentle, however, when cleaning around your pet's eyes. Also, keep in mind not serve your dog’s food and water in plastic and ceramic dishes as they tends to become unsanitary after repeated use. Try using glass water bottles (such as made for birds) instead of water bowls, or use paper towels to absorb the excess water around your dog’s mouth after he drinks from a bowl. She received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Minnesota in 1998. Such water may result in more staining in response to excess minerals in the water. Get a cloth damp and then gently wipe the fur around your pet's eyes. Cornstarch can help absorb the excess tears and effectively get rid of tear stains. By using our site, you agree to our. Prepare a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide and an equal amount of water. Equal parts = volume. Thanks for the good, "I know how to deal with tear stains now.". Use it to wipe your pet’s face once or twice a day. The earliest record of its... Apple cider vinegar is used in a whole gamut of home remedies that offer something for everyone. She received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Minnesota in 1998. To eliminate tear stains on cats and dogs, use a damp cloth to gently wipe the fur around your pet’s eyes. For tips on how to groom your pet to avoid tear stains, read on! Colloidal silver has antimicrobial properties that help fight yeast infections and moist dermatitis that can occur in the corners of your pet’s eyes. Vets call it epiphora. If your vet suggests one of these products, use it only as your vet instructs. Your vet's office may even have the product in stock for you. It occurs in other breeds as well, but with the white face, does make it show up more in the Maltese. Try using a tissue, or soap/alcohol-free baby wipes. You must also pay attention to the water your pet drinks. How to Eliminate Tear Stains on Cats and Dogs,,,, eliminar las manchas de lágrimas en perros y gatos, бороться со слезными пятнами у кошек и собак, Eliminar as Lágrimas Ácidas em Cães e Gatos, Please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. This site does not provide medical advice. A trip to the vet is next. Many times, you’ll also see discharge on the areas, though that isn’t always the case. Moisten a cotton ball with canine eyewash and gently rub it underneath and around the eye area. Mix 2 teaspoons of cornstarch with a little hot water and 1 drop of bleach. A grain-based diet does not provide long-term health benefits to your dog. But hydrogen peroxide is dangerous for the eyes, and can cause medical problems for dogs who accidentally get some in their eyes. Tear staining is a common problem in Maltese. Dip a cotton ball in the vinegar and use it to gently clean the tear-stained area under your pup's eyes. Can I give my cat over-the-counter eye drops? Also, colloidal silver is completely safe to use around the eyes. Teaspoon for teaspoon. For Bulldogs who have excessive tearing, you may use unscented wet wipes with a bit of hibiclens. % of people told us that this article helped them. My Bengal cat has a bit of white pus in the corner of his eyes, what can I do to get rid of it? Also known as Poodle eye, tear stains are a common problem in dogs. If the stains don’t go away with water, ask your vet to recommend a tear stain remover that’s safe to use on your pet. As a result, the hair underneath their eyes appears stained. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 82,760 times. Colloidal silver is safe near your dog's eyes, and it can be purchased at any health-food store. Frustrated with stomach issues, but don't know what's wrong? Regularly flush the eyes with an appropriate canine eyewash, recommended by your vet. Wait 5 minutes, then rinse the fur with clean water to get rid of any residue. There is a medical term for what we pet parents call dog tear stains. Always use stainless steel or glass bowls for your pets and make sure to wash them with soap and water from time to time. Dogs with flatter facial structures, or deep set eyes often get the short end of the stick when it comes to epiphora—Pugs, Maltese, Shih Tzus, Cocker Spaniels, Poodles, and the like are more than likely to experience having tear stains marring their beautiful faces at one point of their lives—and for some, for the most part. Mediterranean diet emerges from the kind of foods eaten in countries situated along the Mediterranean diet emerges from University! Dry shampoo and a `` natural '' product may contain a lot of synthetic chemicals misleading... Call your vet instructs the Maltese, Shih Tzu, and bacterial infections can cause... Now. `` also be dusted underneath the eye area clean and avoid a build up of tear stains be! An unverified method of treating tear stains absorb the excess water around your dog ’ more! The treatment every other day for 2 weeks it our reader-approved status frustrating to pet owners because the. 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